Case ID - 202016302 [REF/JX/zY/a5/bp/] FAO Christopher Miller Friday 4th June 21 Dear Christopher, As suggested, I submitted a Stage Two complaint with an acknowledgement received on 4th May: Regarding: Stage Two Complaint: Service Area: ASB 157-162 High Street, Lye Village, Stourbridge DY9 8LT - Service Delivery - Stage One Reference WK202110574. Madam/Sir, The Housing Ombudsman has asked (30th April) that I submit a complaint at Stage Two; the grounds would be that "There has been an oversight on a significant piece of evidence". As I put to the Ombudsman, the Council claims that "the information provided does not set out reasons for your dissatisfaction of the ASB", yet in the text of my complaint I stated, " ... this bizarre situation is obviously 'extremely detrimental' to my lifestyle and probably detrimental to my health, yet the Authorities will not attempt to resolve the difficulty." My remark must be considered unequivocal, mustn't it? Isn't the Council being deliberately obtuse, deceptive and evasive, contrary to its duty of care?  To provide a little detail of the morass that is available, this is the text of my, concise, Stage One Complaint (notice the reference to abuse, threatening behaviour and an assault): "I rang a number of charities yesterday (7/12/20) with Shelter suggesting I pursue the Council's 'two-stage' complaints procedure before initiating the 'community-trigger'. Accordingly, I can confirm that the service area is 'Anti-Social Behaviour', and that I am concerned with 'Service Delivery'; the conduct of my neighbour, Philip 'Frothy' Bradley, at 157 High Street Lye Stourbridge DY9 8LT has been well-documented as part of ASB case 19914 and is reproduced at (Home Front) . I remain worried about a confrontation similar to that which occurred some weeks ago in which Frothy made his approach (after much threatening behaviour and abuse) which I managed to 'fend-off' before retiring to my apartment; I have succeeded in changing my life-style to avoid further confrontation - essentially leaving early and returning as early as possible, taking extreme care on my return as Frothy may appear at any of two entrances/exits to my suite of apartments or at the door of his own ground floor flat or, indeed, at the door of his friend's flat (at 158); this bizarre situation is obviously 'extremely detrimental' to my lifestyle and probably detrimental to my health, yet the Authorities will not attempt to resolve the difficulty." Finally, it seems that the Council's game includes the expectation that I recall and type-out every detail of my conflict with my neighbours - this is unreasonable in itself and, in any event, the details have been sent to the Council on a regular, prompt basis and have been made available online at , at my own expense and with my own efforts. DAustin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgement Receipt, 4th May: Thank you. Your enquiry has been successfully submitted. Your request number is: SR-000535658. You should hear from us within 20 days. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only response is from a Sue Haywood, Head of Community Safety: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RE: SR-000500189 - Antisocial Behaviour - CT Dear Mr. Austin, Apologies for the delay in responding to your Community Trigger Application. I have now had the opportunity to make enquires and review information that has been made available to myself. Your application does not meet Dudley’s Community Trigger Criteria as I am advised that there are now 2 “live” cases open in respect of yourself relating to different matters within Lye High Street. We do not undertake a Community Trigger review where there are live cases as there are other complaints procedures to follow. If you are yet to submit any information requested by Dudley MBC please do so. We will ensure that your current live cases are addressed by all involved to ensure a joined up response. Regards, Sue Haywood Head of Community Safety Community Safety Housing Dudley Council Brierley Hill Police Station, Bank Street, Dudley, DY5 3DH 01384 818115 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is this just another delaying tactic? Any suggestions as to the way forward? DAustin 07747095166 ---- Original Message ----- From: Date: 04/30/21 10:41 To: Subject: RE: Case ID - 202016302 [REF/JX/zY/a5/bp/] Good morning,   Thank you for your email and I'm sorry to hear that the landlord's response was not satisfactory.   As it is a Stage One response, the next step if you remain unhappy would be to ask the landlord to escalate the complaint to Stage Two and provide a final response to you. They should do this within twenty working days of your request.   If you have any difficulty in doing this or the landlord doesn't stick to the timescale mentioned above, do let us know and we'll assist if need be.    Kind regards, Christopher Miller Dispute Resolution Advisor, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE Telephone: 0300 111 3000 [Note the acknowledgement: 04 June 2021  Thank you for contacting the Housing Ombudsman Service. This is an automatic acknowledgment. Please do not reply to this email. Your email has been received and will be reviewed by a member of our casework team. If a response is required, we will contact you within 15 working days.]